Far Cry 4: 10 Amazing Features We Know Of So Far

2. Co-operative Gameplay

While Far Cry 3 had a fun co-operative mode, it was totally separate from the main campaign, and mightily short. Far Cry 4 takes the idea of co-op multiplayer a lot more seriously though, and Ubisoft have promised a seamless experience when it comes to playing with friends. All the details haven't been unveiled just yet, but players will be able to invite their friends directly into their game in order to explore Kyrat together. It's unknown what the maximum amount of players that can join the fun will be, but just one partner to journey through Kyrat will be more than welcome. Be it stomping over enemies together with elephants or just gliding in impromptu races through the mountainous valleys, Far Cry 4 could well offer this generation's greatest co-operative gaming experience.
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Far Cry 4
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