Fez Devs Vows Fixes Are Coming

This mind-bending puzzle platformer won't just confuse you, it may frustrate you with game crashing bugs.

The gorgeous 2D/3D mind-bending platformer Fez was released last Friday. Unfortunately, with many games that don't have the luxury of being tested by the uncanny forces of AAA publishers, the released with a fair amount of hiccups. According to Renaud, of the Polytron Corporation, they are already working in tandem with Microsoft in order to fix all of the bugs plaguing the title at launch. Posted on the following Saturday of release, the developers quickly reacted as many gamers reported multiple bugs, and many found bugs that created corrupted save files. In discussing what exactly went wrong, they bring up a pretty valid point right from the start. Through five years of development, the game quickly received twenty thousand people worth of testing within 24 hours of release. A small amount of older Xbox systems with small hard drives couldn't even run the game. Running off of a USB stick was problematic, as well as the game crashing in specific levels or situations. Rarely, the game would create a corrupted save file simply by exiting the game from the "wall village" interiors. Even with a small testing group before, having these problems plague your title is enough for many to simply never purchase the game. Unless your Skyrim, then your fanbase just embraces the game, bugs and all. If you run into a game-breaking problem be sure to drop them a line at support@fezgame.com, and they will work hard to investigate and fix the problems. What do you think? Have they stopped you from completing the game, or are you already about to finish it? Let us know in the comments!
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