2. Handballs
Now, if you played FIFA 12 with handballs on to add to the realism of the game, believe me, it is not comparable to the farce it has been turned into on FIFA 13. In FIFA 12, you may see the occasional handball, once a game if you are lucky, and certainly a lot of the time it was not entirely noticeable unless you and your friend exchanged puzzled glances and agreed to look back upon the instant replay. FIFA 13 has taken this to an entirely different level. All of a sudden, your footballers have turned into basketball players, or at worst jugglers at a perverse circus. No longer can your players chest the ball down with their arms at their side, they are now in possession of extra long arms that seem to draw the ball towards them. On average, you will be lucky to get through a whole match without having at least four of your players attempting to audition for the Harlem Globetrotters.