FIFA 13: 6 Features That Suck

3. The Online Confidence System

Sometimes when you€™re playing Head to Head seasons you lose. It€™s a simple fact, either it doesn€™t go your way, you lose to a last minute penalty or someone is just better than you. We get that, it makes it more interesting, helps you try hard, play more and get better; however the game's ridiculous online confidence system makes this incredibly difficult. You lose a match, your teams passing drops, the edge is lost, the finishing is more wayward and it becomes even more difficult to win the next one. You don€™t lose one and win the next, it all happens in streaks. This, I think, deadens the point of Head to Head seasons. You want to play other people and see who is the best and although this would work well in ultimate team when your job is to monitor the players as well as play the game; when you just want a quick match of a morning and you lost your last one the night before so all your players are more likely to want to burst in to tears and start rolling around on the floor than actually pass to someone, it makes it much more difficult and wearing.
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Fifa 13
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One time I met John Stamos on a plane - and he told me I was pretty.