FIFA 13: 6 Features That Suck

5. Fifa Ultimate Team Chemistry

In FIFA 12, I never really got in to the ultimate team for the Chemistry reason and because I started it in December as I was more a head to head, career mode player. With Fifa 13 however it appealed to me a lot more and I dived in to the ultimate team world, bartering for players, saving up for gold packs and raging at the fact I got two silver players in a 7,500 premium gold pack. (GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH). One thing that increasingly bothers me about this area of the game however is the chemistry of the team dictates how good they work, you can scrape by with a low chemistry but a high chemistry is key. This is understandable; but the chemistry comes from having players who play in the same team or who are the same nationality. So to get the best team you end up with Barcelona, Real Madrid, Manchester City, Spain or Germany... all people who are playable in the Head to Head Seasons and are available for a millionth of the effort. I would rather spend the time purchasing more specific team training items, running training drills to make the players work well together, or alternatively just the more the players play the higher the chemistry gets. I don€™t want to play as Barcelona or Real Madrid, I want a team with Ronaldo, Messi, Robben and Shane Long who work just as well as they would in real life. Not have the success of my team dictated on them all being from the same club.
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Fifa 13
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One time I met John Stamos on a plane - and he told me I was pretty.