FIFA 13: 7 Things That Would Have Guaranteed Perfection

4. Two Player Career Mode

This one is something that I know frustrates certain FIFA Career Mode players every year the game comes out. Career Mode is clearly considered a solitary endeavour for EA Sports - who have taken the model established by popular management sims on-board in their own management mode, but that misses the fact that some FIFA players like to have their opponents in the same room as them, and to have a continued challenge to play with together. At the minute, if players want to play a two player Career, the only solution is for one to take on the role of the Manager, and the other to take on the role of Opponent, taking control of the manager's opponent team in every match of the season to thwart their attempts to win the league. That however means that the second player is never able to build their own dynasty, to try and create a duopoly at the top of the league, and establish their own legacy at a club of their choice, which would be far more preferable for those players who want to play Career Mode this way. There is no really adequate explanation why Career Mode is limited to single player - it simply is - and it is a shame once again that some fans aren't able to play as they wish. This might not be a majority of players by any means, but it can't be something that hasn't cropped up before.
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Fifa 13
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