FIFA 14: 5 Reasons Why The Next Gen Version Will Be The Best Yet

5. Amazing Stadiums & Crowd Detail Long-term fans of the FIFA series will tell you that, excepting the properly-licensed stadia such as Old Trafford and Stamford Bridge, a lot of the stadiums found in game are completely generic, I.e "Ivy Lane". Those same fans will also tell you the crowd found within said grounds are dull and listless, merely repeated, cardboard cut-out strips with no personality. In the next generation version, that is no longer the case, with each stadium being given special cinematic treatment to properly convey the electricity and excitement found during a match-day. With a new feature known as "Living Worlds", the crowd are far more realistic, with the home sections coming alive to celebrate a goal and the away end sitting still and despondently, head in their hands. By capturing the real-life emotions every fan experiences while watching a game live, EA are bringing one of the single-most authentic and realistic football simulation games to the market. Watch the above trailer to see how the crowd come alive during matches.
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Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.