FIFA 14: 5 Things We Love (And 4 Things EA Got Wrong)

3. Crowd Is More Authentic

Fifa Crowd First of all, it needs pointing out that the above image is taken from the next generation version of FIFA 14, out next month. The crowd still looks exactly the same as they did in last year's title. That aside, the crowd has come on leaps and bounds from FIFA 13, despite the fact that they are presented in the same way, as cardboard cut-out images all wearing exactly the same clothing. One notable difference is the chanting. The crowd now add a lot more atmosphere to matches than they did previously, with, for example, spectators at Anfield singing "You'll Never Walk Alone" at various intervals. Once, while playing against Manchester City, the unmistakable chant of "Blue Moon, you saw me standing alone" grew louder and louder, and it is things like this that really improve the overall experience of the game.
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Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.