FIFA 15: 10 Leaked Player Ratings

7. Neymar €“ 86 (FIFA 14 €“ 84)

Neymar might not have had the impact in his first La Liga season which Barcelona fans had been hoping for but the 22-year-old phenomenon continues to improve more and more nonetheless. EA Sports appear to have given the youngster a tentative upgrade in FIFA 15, presumably because of his hit-and-miss start at the Camp Nou. If the rating was based purely on his performance in the World Cup the winger probably would€™ve been rated even higher than 86. The talismanic player was the one ray of light in an otherwise horrific Brazil side which looked utterly flat on home soil. Neymar might not have looked like the world-beater we saw in the Confederations Cup but he still had a superb World Cup run until his injury, dripping with the swagger and creativity which the rest of the side was lacking. Until the unfortunate injury in the quarter-final tie with Colombia, Neymar had scored four goals and had looked like Brazil€™s only offensive threat. Overall a rating of 86 seems fair for the young talent. Neymar will doubtless continue to surpass this rating in the future but as it stands his performances in 2013/14 cannot be rated any higher.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.