FIFA 15: 10 Tweaks To Make This The Best FIFA Yet

6. The Collection

Ultimate Team stalwarts will remember a time when FIFA collided with the world of Pokémon, to excellent effect. One of the pivotal maxims of Pokémon €“ €œgotta catch 'em all" €“ was applied to Ultimate Team as the player was tasked with completing a virtual sticker book of the game€™s players, not dissimilar from the world cup book flooding the aisles at Sainsbury€™s. As an alternative to discarding a player and receiving a negligible amount of coins in return you could instead send them to your Collection. Bonuses would be received for completing full teams and you would also have a record of the greats who once occupied your Ultimate Team if your word was ever to be doubted. It was a shocking development when they scrapped The Collection a couple of instalments ago as it seemed to bring only positives to the table. EA would be well advised to reintroduce this sporting-Pokédex to proceedings with FIFA 15.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.