FIFA 15: 12 Broken Things EA Sports Must Fix

11. Close Control Dribbling

FIFA 14 streamlined the movements of players both on and off the ball but dribbling and close control are still not quite right compared to the real beautiful game. Precision dribbling is too slow and you still can't beat a player with a deft touch or burst of pace without throwing a trick into the mix, which plainly does not reflect reality. Slower players such as Italian maestro Pirlo or Manchester United's Juan Mata suffer greatly from this oversight as their genius is not even closely replicated, and they look like the rest of the team are carrying them. With the power of next gen consoles, it's time to see more realistic foot plants, unique dummied movements, shoulder shrugs and a much broader range of dribbling styles. It's a pity that you can still only play one way if you want to be competitive. FIFA 15 needs to make technically gifted players dangerous without relying on just speed which brings me to my next point.

Barry O' Halloran has been a whatculture writer for the last two years and having recently graduated, now plans on writing about games & movies until his hands fall off. Follow him on twitter!