FIFA 16: 7 Things It Needs To Learn From NBA 2K

4. Stand-Alone Mini-Game Modes

How many times have you deliberately scored a last minute own goal to enjoy a penalty shootout with your opponent? FIFA's decision to get rid of their addictive penalty shootout mode was hardly an earth-shattering exclusion, but still seemed pointless considering its undeniable fun factor. Their skill games may seem an adequate replacement, but why not have both? Basketball is naturally a sport which lends itself to such mini-game modes, thanks to the NBA's slam dunk contests and three point shootouts. However, there's no reason FIFA couldn't expand slightly to include a 5-a-side mode or free kick challenge. Nobody would expect such modes to become dominant features of the game, but they would provide entertaining little distractions.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.