FIFA 16: 7 Things It Needs To Learn From NBA 2K

2. Improved My Player Career Mode

NBA 2K's crowning jewel is unquestionably MyCareer mode, an area which FIFA have neglected in comparison. Their "My Player Career Mode" is sorely lacking in replayability and depth, especially in comparison to 2K's many immersive features - including press conferences, dressing room conversations and training sessions. It's unreasonable to expect FIFA to get on 2K's level instantly, but in a few instalments they could make great improvements. As well as the ironing out of obvious flaws (missing every other game due to fitness issues), the introduction of 2K-style interactivity would create the feeling of actually walking a created footballer through the ups and downs of his career - rather than simply playing a sequence of matches to get steadily better.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.