FIFA 16: The First 6 Things We Will All Do With The Demo

5. Try To Play A Men Vs Women Match - Only To Realise You Can't

So having played your first ever women€™s football match a little voice will pop in your head and say one of two things: 1. Those of us who like a challenge will think to ourselves, €œI wonder if I can beat a men€™s team using a women€™s team€ Or 2. Those of that enjoy pummelling the opposition into oblivion will think, €œI wonder how badly I can beat a women€™s team using one of the men€™s teams€ Unfortunately the FIFA 16 demo (and indeed the full game) won€™t allow you to experience either of these scenarios, as the women€™s teams will be restricted to only being able to play against each other. This restriction, along with the fact that the full game will only allow the use of the women€™s teams in 3 different game modes (€œMatch Day€, €œOffline Tournament€ and €œOnline Friendly€), might ultimately pose problems for this new addition. With gamers tending to favour game modes such as €œCareer Mode€ and €œUltimate Team€, both of which exclude the women€™s players and teams, there is a huge risk that women€™s matches could become regarded as little more than a novelty in FIFA 16.
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Sports betting enthusiast whose main interests are rugby, football and MMA. Also a huge WWE fan and a self diagnosed TV & movies addict, with a particular love of anything Marvel or Dan Harmon related.