FIFA 18: 10 Fan Demands EA Sports Must Include

9. Fresh Commentary Teams (Or At Least A Choice)

Alan Smith Martin Tyler
EA Sports

How many times can players be expected to hear Alan Smith wax lyrical about the first time he played against Leicester after moving to Arsenal from The Foxes? That insight is deep and meaningful, yet loses any and all impact after the 100th repeat. Commentary overall requires a bit of thought from EA.

Martin Tyler and Smith have been fantastic since taking over the commentary team reins in the series, there's no denying that. As much as that's true though, it would be sweet to see other duos get a shot, if for no other reason than to mix things up a bit. Sky Sports and BT Sports don't have the same set of narrators, y'know.

Clive Tyldesley and Andy Townsend are available for international matches, but that's about it. Change that, EA, because we want to use them across the board and keep our ears listening.

Creating in-exhaustive commentary that doesn't repeat is likely impossible. Things would be a lot less problematic for EA then if players were able to pick from multiple commentary units, with maybe even some Scots or Irish voices to add extra flavour.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.