FIFA 18: 5 Things We Learned From The Leaked Demo Ratings

1. Real Madrid Are Likely To Be The Game's Best

FIFA 18 Real Madrid

Real Madrid are a full point ahead of Juventus in every category, which also means they trounce the included Premier League trio easily. Real are 4 points ahead of Man Utd when it comes to attacking and 5 for defence, 3 in attacking and 4 in defending when it comes to City, and there's an improvement of 2 and 4 respectively in the same categories on Chelsea.

Just behind the top sides like Madrid and Juve, PSG even beat all the English sides in attacking. Their 86 rating in that field is followed up by 83 scores in midfield and defence. Wow, EA obviously don't think either Manchester club or Chelsea will be as competitive in the Champions League this year as Neymar's new employers.

It's hard to see any team beating that Real Madrid rating. Not even Barcelona will have the kind of glittering record Ronaldo and pals do. That was suspected months ago when CR7 was revealed as the game's focal point, but it's still intriguing to see happen.

If you want to win in England, go Chelsea. If you want to win against anyone, pick Real.

What do you think of the team ratings in FIFA 18's demo? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.