FIFA 18: 7 Career Mode Challenges We Can't Wait To Tackle

7. Breeding A World Class Player

FIFA 17 Youth
EA Sports

How much attention did you pay to the Youth Squad tab in FIFA 17? Be honest, a lot of us just hoard those funds until we can buy the big stars, or fire up Google for a quick search to find those young players with the most potential. In FIFA 18, why not set yourself a challenge to find (without the internet) football's next big thing?

Using patience and picking the right scouts, it is possible to unearth a real gem who will reap huge financial rewards in a few seasons. This is especially satisfying when playing as a smaller club who maybe don't have a team of stars worth selling. What's the point in touting your 74-rated striker for £600,000 only to bring in another similar player for the same price?

Anyone who has the nouse required to breed a world class player from scratch deserves a pat on the back. Focus on that potential average, use the training tool as often as you can and you might just be selling on that young buck for millions to one of the Premier League's best.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.