FIFA 18 Career Mode: 10 Players You Need To Buy First

6. Radja Nainggolan

Radja Nainggolan FIFA 18
EA Sports

If you fancy someone who is a bit more physical and can keep possession in the Premier League, then Roman's Radja Nainggolan is an even better buy. He's slightly younger (29) than Marek Hamšík too, but that may mean he's a little more expensive. Not to worry, you can always whittle down the fee with sell-ons or player trades.

Nainggolan is worth it too, because his shooting stats are similar to Hamšík's and he has better pace and defending stats than the Napoli man. He's not as good with his weak foot and he's hardly the most skilled player in the game, but don't let that put you off; there's a reason clubs like Chelsea were eyeing up the Belgian during the Summer transfer window.

Should you decline the invitation to bring Radja to England, then you'll watch as other teams do it for you. Nainggolan is expected to be one of those players that moves from Roma every single time you start up Career Mode. You know, like when Man Utd consistently bought all the strikers during the first window in FIFA 17.

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