FIFA 19 Review: 6 Ups & 4 Downs

2. No Rules Mode Is An Absolute Blast

FIFA 19 No Rules
EA Sports

Older gamers may remember the simple yelps of delight that accompanied leg-breaking tackles in PS2 hidden gem RedCard. There, matches degenerated into crunching slide festivals, and it was awesome. Apparently, someone at EA was a fan, and that's why 'No Rules' mode has come to FIFA 19.

Choose it and you'll be met with no penalisation from refs for thumping through the back of players, linesman who are far too busy elsewhere to bother about flagging for offsides and a complete lack of authority across the board. There's something so worryingly cathartic about battering the sh*te out of a team you despise, then racing up the pitch to net yet another screamer.

This is arcade footy at its best, and it must become a series stalwart from here on out.

'No Rules' also offers another argument for why the House Rules mode should be online. You'll laugh, you'll punch friends in the arm and you'll spend hours frittering away the night as you and a pal turn the game's top teams into a battle-ready squadron Vinnie Jones would shy away from.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.