FIFA 20 Career Mode: 7 New Additions You Need To Know

2. Improved Manager Creation

FIFA 20 Career Mode
EA Sports

Say goodbye to that Arsène Wenger lookalike, the charmingly handsome (yet totally nondescript) European chap and those other boring templates. In FIFA 20, EA are ready to offer a fully-customisable manager creation tool that'll let gamers build their new man from the ground up.

Spot something there? "Man". That was deliberate, because there's something else to reveal.

For the first time in series history, female managers are a possibility. Yes, it's true, and this progressive step forwards is long overdue. Male or female, your boss won't have to pick between the limiting clothing options in FIFA 19 either. This time, managers can be tailored from head to toe how players see fit.

Want to wear a bobble hat during the summer? Go ahead. Fancy sporting that club crest proudly on your suit jacket? Why not? This has taken too long to become a reality, but it's finally upon us. In FIFA 20, it'll be 100% possible to create a manager that looks like you.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.