FIFA 21: 8 Career Mode Changes You Need To Know

6. Active Training

EA Sports

Generally, Konami do a much better job of encouraging players to stick with a concrete starting 11. They make it very clear that too much rotation will ruin the balance of your team sheet and could be the difference between a vital win and a draw or loss. Now, EA want a slice of that action.

'Active Training' rewards those who nurture player chemistry in small groups.

Say you pick PSG, for example, and want Mbappe, Neymar and Icardi to work well on the press or bamboozle defences with triangle-passing routines. Well, it'll be up to you to make sure they're doing the correct drills in training that'll bring out the best in them and lead to maximum levels of group understanding.

This has real potential. On the surface, it'll stop FIFA's Career Mode from degenerating into an endless rotation of players just because some have low stamina. It'd also force gamers to think before they make subs lest they ruin their team's flow.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.