Final Fantasy: 10 Hardest Summons To Unlock

8. Ark: Final Fantasy IX

Final Fantasy XII Chaos
Square Enix

In Final Fantasy IX, two party members, Garnet and Eiko, are capable of summoning Eidolons. Each has a different roster of Eidolons, and Ark, the the ultimate Shadow Eidolon, can be summoned only by Garnet.

Acquiring this unconventional airship/robot of an Eidolon is a very tall order. It can be learned only from the Pumice. This item’s requirements are very specific. The first option is to defeat the superboss Ozma, which is found in Chocobo’s Sky Garden. Secondly, players can collect one of the later Chocographs, steal from Ark at Oeilvert, or steal from Ozma. The latter three options each reward a Pumice Piece.

Two of these pieces can be given to Hades, who is hidden in the watery area (where Quina thinks they are underwater and “swims”) at his Synthesis shop, and he will make them into a Pumice. This shop cannot be accessed, however, without first battling Hades, an optional superboss in his own right. Obtaining Ark, then, requires tangling with one or other (or even both) of the most challenging enemies in the whole game.


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