Final Fantasy: 25 Greatest Heroes

22. Serah (XIII)

Final fantasy 8
Square Enix

Final Fantasy XIII wasn’t as warmly received as its predecessors in the series upon release. The combination of endless linear corridors and a confusingly term-heavy story did little to endear Lightning and company to players, even as they were fleshed out further in two sequels. Whilst one of these (Lightning Returns) is empty and excessive, the other (XIII-2) is widely considered to be the superior game.

Though Lightning is one of the most recallable faces of the franchise, switching the focus to her more carefree sister Serah was an inspired move. More vulnerable and less emotionless, she is much easier to become invested in as she undertakes her own journey across the world of Eos. Her pursuit of her missing sister, which ends with her demise, is much more gratifying than either of Lightning’s adventures as a result.

Between Lightning and Snow’s respective sisterly and romantic affections for her, the brotherly nature that Noel’s accompaniment of her eventually takes and even her nonchalant exchanges with the likes of Hope and Mog, Serah is seemingly beloved by all within her world. The ultimate discovery that she knew of her impending death, the consequences of her abilities as a farseer, makes such innocent interactions all the more impactful.

Add in the fact that Serah never feels like an unstoppable force on the battlefield (unlike her near-superhuman and always assured sister) and you have a character who is a delight to be around.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.