Final Fantasy: 25 Greatest Heroes

23. Vincent (VII)

Final fantasy 8
Square Enix

Final Fantasy VII unquestionably has the highest hit to miss ratio in the series when it comes to characters. With the exception of Cait Sith and Yuffie, the latter of whom serves as marmite given that she is loved and despised in equal measure, each of the playable heroes has a hugely impactful arc.

Combined with the nostalgia factor of it being the first Final Fantasy experience for many players, VII’s characters are a large part of why the game has such an enduring appeal and they will undoubtably pick up legions of new fans as subsequent instalments of Remake drop.

The mysterious Vincent Valentine is an optional addition to the player’s party and the game can be beaten without even knowing that he exists. As a result, his development comes through side quests instead of the main story, but they paint a tragic picture that fuels the darkness within him.

As an ex-Turk enamoured with Lucrecia, the researcher inseminated by Hojo as the birth mother of Sephiroth, Vincent could’ve been shallow and solely focused on revenge for his shooting and subsequent self-exile penance at the hands of Shinra’s head scientist.

His crowning moment, however, comes through a reunion with the subject of his unrequited affections, having to lie to her about Sephiroth’s fate, absolving her of guilt whilst enhancing his own.

Vincent’s popularity led to him helming the Dirge Of Cerberus spin-off. A derisory third-person shooter, he deserved better to wrap up his abject tale.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.