Final Fantasy: 25 Greatest Villains 

23. Exdeath (V)

final fantasy 10 seymour guado
Square Enix

Final Fantasy V is something of an anomaly within the series. Sandwiched between IV and VI, which are more superiorly regarded (and actually got Western releases on the SNES), it is often forgotten. Its story isn’t the best, but it does have an omnipresent and malicious villain in the form of Exdeath, seemingly motivated by being evil for evil’s sake as he may be.

Often dismissed for the fact that his true form is that of a tree, its actually quite intriguing that he is made sentient by the presence of a high concentration of corrupted souls, thriving as the result of their collective malevolence. He constantly reinforces his status as a force to be reckoned with through his regular destruction of both of the game’s worlds, making things personal with each party member in turn through his history with their parents (or through direct interactions in Galuf’s case).

His one-on-one fight with Galuf is one of the most memorable and heartfelt moments in the series, made epic by how the former amnesiac keeps on fighting long after his HP has been depleted to 0, something Exdeath cannot comprehend given his lack of understanding for how Galuf fights out of love. The fact that the ordeal costs him his life inspires hatred in the player and makes his final defeat all the more fulfilling.


Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.