Final Fantasy 7 Remake: 14 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

13. Combine Warding And Binding Materia To Prevent Sleep

final fantasy 7 remake
Square Enix

One of the more infuriating things that can happen, FF7R loves to put your party in a staggered state, or to sleep altogether, forcing you to watch them stand around, waiting to be controlled.

You can mitigate the Sleep effect with certain equipment, OR you can combine "Binding" and "Warding" materia for a lifelong solution.

Binding Materia lets you cast "Sleep", "Silence" or "Berserk" depending on its level, but Warding materia nullifies whatever it's paired with.

Stick both of these materias in a linked slot (either on a weapon or piece of armour), and not only will you be immune to sleep, but silent and berserk too.

Note that Warding materia is only found in the "On the Other Side" mission, and Chapter 13's laboratory.

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