3. The Compilation Is Complete

The Compilation of Final Fantasy VII wrapped up somewhat neatly with the 2009 entry of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete, the revised version of the original movie following several years after our favorite heroes of Midgar saved the Planet. After beginning the story with Zack Fair, who witnessed the birth of Sephiroth and the beginning of the (near) end, to traveling with Cloud and Co. to stop the fall of Meteor, to fighting with the gang and their newfound friends in Rufus, Rude, and Reno against Loz and his crew, to shooting enemies up with Vincent against Deepground, fans have walked a long road in the past 16 years. With the saga finally over, we all have been treated to a rich story of heroics, pain, mental trauma, and good old fashioned brawls of good against evil. A remake or reboot of the first game could completely ruin this, or at least botch it enough to the point where fans will be disappointed with the new direction of the game, as details could be changed, plot points could be altered, or the entire story could be rewritten, throwing off the canon of the series. It's a risk not to be taken; fans should be content with the long and rich history that we have been given for almost the past two decades.