It seems that Final Fantasy VII may actually be coming to
PC and Steam in the near future with some new features. A forum user on
GOG found out that Square Enix has registered the domain name:
FinalFantasyVIIPC.com. However, the site has been taken down but you can still access it
here through Google cache. The website mentions that this PC version of Final Fantasy VII will have achievements, character boosters, and cloud saves. In addition, the game will now support online profiles so players can compare progress with each other. According to the site the digital download version of the game will cost £7.99/9.99. Square Enix has said nothing at this time about the rumor but they have also not denied the rumor as well. One of the main people behind the Final Fantasy franchise character designer Tetsuya Nomura recently stated that
"new titles take precedence" over older titles or remakes. So this news kind of flies in the face of what Nomura stated last month. People have been clamoring for a Final Fantasy VII remake and it seems that Square Enix is doing their best to meet people half way. As amazing as it is to have one of the greatest games ever on the PC, Square Enix is still slacking. I mean people are still waiting for any news on Final Fantasy Verses XIII, not to mention at this rate I don't think we will see Kingdom Hearts 3 this console generation. This is still just a rumor right now but if true, does this news excite you or are you holding out for a Final Fantasy VII remake?