Final Fantasy VII Remake "Not a Priority"
Final Fantasy VII HD remake not happening anytime soon.

There are a lot of people who want a remake of Final Fantasy VII. However, new titles take precedence. We work our hardest to make something that might be even better than Final Fantasy VII.In all honesty I just don't ever see Square Enix creating a Final Fantasy VII HD remake, it is just too much work. They would literally have to build the game from the ground up and they are not willing to do that considering they could be making new Final Fantasy games in which Tetsuya states: The new Final Fantasy must overcome the Final Fantasy of the past. Not to mention that at this point I don't know if I would trust Square Enix to remake a great game like Final Fantasy VII. The past two Final Fantasy games have been met with mediocre results, some fans love the new direction the series has taken and others hate it. Not to mention we are still waiting for Final Fantasy Versus XIII which was announced six years ago and there is still no end in sight to the development of the game. At this point would any of you out there trust Square Enix to remake Final Fantasy VII in HD or are you like me and feel they would probably find a way to ruin the classic game?