Final Fantasy XIV Review: 10 Ways It Rules

8. It's Brilliantly Optimised

Final Fantasy Xiv B Though A Realm Reborn is a great-looking game, it's also important that, like all MMORPGs, it's carefully optimised for the systems it is running on; so many of us have complained in years gone by about games that simply cannot handle a high player-load on anything less than top-spec rigs, but so is not the case here. A Realm Reborn will run perfectly fine on a modest, years-old PC, and running it on a top-tier system will just add a few nice flourishes here and there. As is perhaps more of a pressing concern, reports suggest that the game is also immaculately designed with the PS3 in mind. I haven't played it on the platform myself, but reviews so far indicate that the game has clearly been developed with the system limitations of the console clearly thought-through. How different it will look on the PS4 next year, though, is anyone's guess.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]