Fire Emblem Heroes Guide: 20 Crucial Tips & Tricks You Need To Know

10. Maximise Your EXP Gains

20 Tips & Tricks Fire Emblem Heroes Doesn't Tell You

Every mission you take on is limited by your total Stamina - once this runs out, you’ll have to wait for it to replenish gradually over time or use a Stamina Potion to restore it.

This means you should be mindful of your EXP gains to maximise the efficiency with which you level up units. Firstly, you should look to upgrade your castle as soon as possible, using the 'Upgrade Castle' option (under 'Shop').

It’ll cost you a few Orbs but each upgrade will increase the EXP you earn, up to a 100% bonus at the top level. That means double EXP gains on all your Heroes, just from a relatively small investment.

Units earn EXP for fighting units, with a bonus for actually defeating the opponent. However, they will gain no EXP if they fight units more than 3 levels below them, so make sure you are taking an appropriately-levelled team into each encounter if you want to ensure you’re levelling efficiently.

It’s also worth noting that you won’t gain EXP if you deal zero damage, so don’t bother bringing low-level units in and trying to get a sneaky hit off.

Similarly, healers gain EXP for every heal they perform, but the amount gained will slowly deprecate so you can’t keep a character in a healing loop and farm EXP forever. Finally, any EXP gained by a Hero in a mission is lost if they are killed, so be sure to keep units alive if they’ve made significant gains.


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