Fire Emblem Heroes Guide: 20 Crucial Tips & Tricks You Need To Know

3. Feel The Love & Make Friends

20 Tips & Tricks Fire Emblem Heroes Doesn't Tell You

When you’re admiring your lovely castle and its proud inhabitants (on the 'Home' tab), keep an eye out for hearts emanating from any of your Heroes. If you see some, tap on that Hero to earn Hero Feathers, which are used for upgrading the star rating of your units. It’s also a good idea to make friends, as you can help one another earn additional items.

Tap the stone in the bottom-left of the 'Home' screen to access your Friend List. You can add players to your friends using their in-game ID, which is a ten-digit number found on the 'Search' tab of the Friend List. You can also send friend requests to other players after battling their teams in an Arena Duel. You can always remove friends if your list gets too full, so don’t worry about filling it up with random players.

Once you have friends on your list, you will see their Heroes showing up at the bottom of your home screen - tap on them to see who sent them and you may receive additional items from them.

You can hit the 'Greet' button on your Friends List to send out your own greetings to your friends, as well - at no cost to you!


Notorious stuff-lover. Enjoys video games, cooking, listening to K-pop, and quiet nights in.