Football Manager 2013: 10 Factors That Make It Essential

8. Deeper Media Interactions

Football Manager 2013 follows the usual trend of changing and developing media interactions, with the major change being the introduction of the tone system, allowing a manager to respond to media questions with a multitude of tones, from Aggressive to Calm, which will add a whole new dimension to press conferences as the media will now judge you not only on what you say, but how you say it - as would be the case in a real press conference. If you are aggressive too often, you will find that the media will become less likely to do you any favours, and alternatively, if you don't react with the necessary tone during a time of crisis, you could find yourself under pressure from the fans who believe you don't care enough about the situation. The system will also help you build your personality - which medias and players will respond to. It's a clever introduction and one that will hopefully make the occasionally arduous task of press conferences a little more tolerable, and a little more rewarding. For international managers, the changes are more pronounced, with more questions and deeper scrutiny in team selections, which should hopefully shake things up on that side as well.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.