Football Manager 2014: 6 Opening Impressions That Prove It's The Best Yet

1. Even More Stats

Screen Shot 2013 11 02 At 09 40 08 For the first time, users can now check out how many clubs have injuries by going on the 'stats' feature. The page will also show every player's respective injury in the division and how long they will be out for. Also for the first time you can see referees' stats to compare accordingly. There is even a new feature with transfers regarding the managers as well as the player. The list shows who has left and when they departed said club. FM14 have a news and transfer rumours section which has information of what is going on with the sides in the division. Upcoming events, such as when the transfer window opens and closes, and players who could be leaving to join new sides is also displayed. For your club's training section, you can now see exactly which numbers are lacking match fitness, tired after last match, injured, and tired. The morale is also listed in numbers so you can look at how many players are happy, content, or unhappy. Notable training performances from players are also highlighted so you can praise them personally.

Crippy Cooke, 23, is a freelance Football Writer contributing to What Culture. He's had work featured on Zoo, MSN, London 24, The Telegraph, The Huffington Post, and was recently named Writer of the Year on FTBpro - while also a nominee for Best Male Blog in the Football Blogging Awards.