Football Manager 2016: 10 Players Who Will Definitely Be Over-Rated

8. Antonio Cassano (Sampdoria)

A serial Football Manager over-achiever, Antonio Cassano has always posed an annoying presence when up against the Italian striker. His recent move to Sampdoria this summer (his third time returning to the club) will once more give the 33-year-old a platform to be excel on FM16 yet he's never actually reached the pedestal that the game puts him on in real life. 17 goals in 53 games for Parma is the Italian's record over the last two years and before that stints at Milan, Real Madrid and Roma all ended with a non-spectacular goal tally. Blessed with a 19 rating for his first touch, crossing and technique plus a 20 rating for flair, Cassano's attributes will not decrease enough on Football Manager 2016 for the game to represent his fading talent and he'll no doubt take Sampdoria to the Champions League during the 2015/16 season.

NCTJ-accredited football writer with an MA in Sports Journalism. What Culture football editor. Write for the official Newcastle United programme. Former video reporter at North News. Featured and published in the Sunderland Echo, Shields Gazette, Mail Online, The Mirror, The Sun and others.