Football Manager 2022: 10 Brazilian Wonderkids You Must Sign

7. Rodrygo (Real Madrid)

Football Manager 2022 Giovani

We now get to another Real Madrid player, but this time he is actually playing at Santiago Bernabeu instead of being loaned out.

Rodrygo is without question one of the most instantly recognisable names on this list so there is no need to waste breath talking about his game. As soon as you get four or five seasons into an FM save, he becomes one of the best players in the world, and if that's not enough of a draw, then nothing is.

You might wonder why he is so relatively low on this list, and, well, the answer is two-fold. Firstly, even at 20 years old, Rodrygo seems to be close to his peak, at least in FM22 terms. This might be hair-splitting because he is already so good, but there is very little room for improvement so you basically get what you see with him.

And the second reason is, of course, his price tag. Real Madrid are not exactly a selling club, so they only let players go once they have no need for them anymore. This means that, if you want to lure him away from the Bernabeu, you will really have to break the bank and pay in excess of £75 million.


Big fan of TV shows, music, and indie films. Gets too emotional when watching football. Secretly thinks he could run a Premier League club based only on his time spent playing Football Manager.