2. Only Nintendo Have The Spirit Of Gaming Intact

Batman Arkham Suicide Squad

While it would be overwhelmingly naive to suggest that Nintendo is in the gaming business for the sheer love of creation - they're a business, after all - they do in many respects feel the last holdout retaining the true spirit of the medium.

As Sony and Microsoft have been locked into Console Wars nonsense in perpetuity, Nintendo has just been doing their own thing on the periphery, avoiding the most obvious industry trends and instead offering up some of the most vibrant and joyful experiences of the last decade via the Nintendo Switch.

And it's paid off dividends, with the Switch serving as a major commercial rebound for Nintendo following the failure of the Wii U. 

They've managed to successfully silo themselves off away from their competition by doing the unexpected and delivering such distinct, unique gaming experiences - and ones you can't get on PC - in turn managing to retain some of that childlike magic lacking in Sony and Microsoft's line-ups.

We desperately need more of this in 2024, because at present so much of what the gaming industry puts out feel so beige, so predictable - competent, for sure, but safely chasing market trends rather than actually innovating.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.