Gears of War 3 is finally out, and in celebration of this achievement from the chaps at
Epic, I'll be taking a look though the limited edition version in this early edition of Gaming Merch. So while personally I didn't want a statue of Marcus, which was included in the epic edition, my history geek tendencies took over once I found out with the limited edition you would get the 'personal effects of Adam Fenix'. First a quick look at the COG medal.

As nice as it may look in the pictures, the real thing is actually really well made. Made fully from metal, the COG medal has a real weight to it. Overall it does give the impression that it would be the 'real' medal awarded to Fenix, and as an added bonus, on the reverse is a code to unlock Adam Fenix as a multiplayer character. The game itself, rather than just sporting a standard cover, is packaged to look like another possession of Fenix, adding to the overall effect.

The case itself is rubberised and held closed with a magnetic system, again making the case as a whole feel like something significant. Under the game case are the rest of the 'personal effects' all wrapped in a COG flag. The flag itself is nothing special, while it is nicely made it doesn't quite meet the standards the rest of the case sets. Under all this are various items. There are two photographs included, each with a message written on the back. The first of these is a picture of Adam and Tomas, the Chairman of the Coalition, with a message written on the back to Adam.

The second is a picture of Adam on his own, with a message written on the reverse to his wife and son.

Under this you have the document to go with the medal, the will of Adam Fenix, and a letter to his son, Marcus.

You then have the schematics for the Hammer of Dawn, a weapon you become familiar with throughout the series.

In my time I have owned a few special or limited editions of games, and I really have to say that this is one of the better ones. It certainly will not appeal to everyone, but for those who have played the games at length and read the books, the little details such as what has been included in this edition will just add to the interest. Everything that is included has been done to a high standard, certainly something the guys at Epic should be proud of. So this concludes the early edition, and Gears 3 special, of Gaming Merch, happy gaming everyone.
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