Ghost Of Tsushima: 8 Tiny Details That'll Blow Your Mind

4. Mongol Eagles Mourn Their Owners

Ghost of Tsushima
Sucker Punch

One thing you'll notice whilst progressing through Tsushima is that your enemies get a lot tougher. Some will adapt so that stand-offs aren't as easy to perform, while new enemy types and weapons also get thrown in for good measure.

One of the more interesting - but potentially less developed - foes Jin will encounter are Mongol eagles. As the game explains (if you're diligent enough to seek out and collect its many Mongol artefacts), some Mongol soldiers actually have eagles they use to scout out enemy positions and relay messages.

They raise these eagles from a young age until it's time to take them into the field, and if you were already torn up about the fact you have to kill those loveable, moustachioed dogs that give away your position (seriously, this AND The Last of Us II in the same year?), then you're going to want to boogie on over to a different location as soon as you've killed an eagle's owner.

If you've opted to spare an eagle, but not the owner, and have dispatched the other Mongols present, the eagle will actually fly back to its master and mourn them for a brief while, before flying off to start a new life under a new name and identity.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.