Ghost Of Tsushima Ending EXPLAINED

1. How The Epilogue Teases Ghost Of Tsushima 2

Ghost of Tsushima Epilogue White Armour
Sony Interactive Entertainment

Sucker Punch's plans for the PlayStation 5 are unclear (and rightly so - they deserve a wee break after all of this), but one would gather from Ghost of Tsushima's ending that they're not done with Jin's story yet.

Tsushima's finale shows Jin hiding out in a lair of his own in one of either two locales, where he's receiving instruction from Master Ishikawa. Yuna says goodbye but it's not clear for how long, and Jin himself has been officially branded a traitor by the shogun.

Sucker Punch have laid the ground for a follow-up, but it's still not clear what said follow-up would depict. If Jin is now directly opposed to the shogun, does that mean we can expect him to go to the mainland and fight against it? You wouldn't expect Sucker Punch to keep everyone in Tsushima if they were to pursue a sequel.

Either way, any potential Ghost of Tsushima sequel is still a good deal away from happening. For now, Jin must continue to watch over his island, and reflect on the choices he's made.


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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.