Ghost Recon Future Soldier Goes Guerrilla

It's easy to think of the Guerrilla mode in Ghost Recon as a variation of Horde mode, but you'd be severely mistaken.

It's easy to think of the Guerrilla mode in Ghost Recon as a variation of Horde mode, but you'd be severely mistaken. When consulting special forces operatives during the design process they uncovered that when battling guerrilla forces, specifically in urban areas, there isn't a set tactic guaranteed to work. Many tactics that held the key to victory relied on identifying weaknesses within enemy psychology. Using this information special forces teams uncovered the weaknesses, and used it to their advantage. One of the most interesting examples that influenced the development of "Guerilla" mode, is in occupying enemy territory simply to lay in wait. Operatives stealthily infiltrate an enemy territory, eliminating their enemies. After all is clear, they wait for reinforcements or patrols, instead of venturing into unknown territory with little intel. It is an interesting concept that will prove to be a unique twist on the traditional wave after wave game type. The first wave requires players to eliminate enemies undetected in order to secure and hold a position. Racking up points is key, and with every 10 waves requiring players to secure and hold a new position, it looks to be a step forward for the standard horde mode. Check out the full video below for a taste of what's to come.

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