God Of War: 10 Times Kratos Was A GENIUS

6. Blinding Persephone - God of War: Chains of Olympus

kratos big brain
Sony Computer Entertainment

God of War: Chains of Olympus is a special instalment in the series for many reasons. It is the first God of War game to be released for PSP, for one, and it also has what might be the saddest QTE in any video game ever - we'll get back to that.

But one of the things that makes the game really special is the skill and creativity on display from our favourite Spartan. The boss fights in this game often require the player to use special tactics to overcome Kratos' foes and the final boss is no exception.

In his battle with the goddess Persephone, Kratos has to pull out all of the tricks he learned earlier in the game; dodging under and over Persephone's strikes, hurling her own projectiles back at her, and picking the perfect opportunities to strike. But even then, the Queen of Underworld threatens to overwhelm him... until he remembers his Greek myths.

Using his polished shield like a mirror, much like Perseus did against Medusa, Kratos directs Helios' blazing solar flare directly at Persephone, dazzling her and forcing her back. Yet another brilliant example of Kratos using his surroundings.


Movie nut, comic fan, and seeker of forbidden lore. (By which I mean whatever Marvel was doing in the 90s.)