God Of War: 10 Times Kratos Was A GENIUS

4. Teaching Hermes to Mind His Surroundings - God of War III

kratos big brain
Sony Santa Monica

Anyone who has played the God of War series know that Heimdall isn't the only untouchable god Kratos has fought... and he's not the most irritating one, either.

That title falls to Hermes - god of speed, messengers, magic, and apparently god of smack-talking as well. In God of War III, Kratos finally battles the Messenger of the Gods while scaling the Chain of Balance.

When a few divinely inspired taunts land a little too close to home, Kratos takes the bait and charges after Hermes, only for the fleet-footed god to leave him in the dust. Even when Kratos thinks he's managed to catch up, he discovers that Hermes slowed down deliberately - so he could lure the Spartan into a deadly game of cat-and-mouse through the Olympian Citadel.

At this point, Kratos has figured out that he can never outrun Hermes - and soon after, he hatches a genius plan. Using a mighty catapult, he shatters a pillar - one that Hermes was about to land on. Losing his balance, Hermes is pinned by the pillar as it collapses, and Kratos catches the scornful Olympian at long last.


Movie nut, comic fan, and seeker of forbidden lore. (By which I mean whatever Marvel was doing in the 90s.)