God Of War: 20 Awesome Easter Eggs You Need To See

14. First Person Mode

God of war

We didn’t expect to see any of the Greek Pantheon, other than Kratos, popping up in Norse Mythology. There is a brief cameo appearance by Athena in a couple of moments of the game, but the most notable happens when escaping Helheim on the flying boat, in which Kratos is plagued by visions of his father Zeus.

The conflict that we see in God of War is directly copied, frame by frame, from the climatic boss fight from God of War 3, with the perspective of the player snapping into first person mode with Atreus watching on in horror.

The perspective only swapped to first person mode once in the original God of War trilogy, allowing players to see through Kratos’ eyes as he delivers the final blow to Zeus.

This singular event in God of War is a mirrored callback, except this time, Kratos has Atreus watching his back.

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