God Of War 4: 6 Potential Directions It Could Take

3. Another Prequel

Nobody wants another God of War prequel. The Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta were excellent games by the humble PSP€™s standards, but Ascension failed to recapture the epic scope of God of War 3 - surely Sony will only go down this path if their well of inspiration has run drier than the Desert of Lost Souls. The problem with the God of War prequels is that Kratos squared off against all of the best deities and mythical beasts in the core trilogy, which left only Mount Olympus€™s B Team to slaughter in Ascension and its handheld predecessors. That said, there are chapters of Kratos€™s life that could be explored further if Santa Monica were utterly desperate. His time as a general in the Spartan army, leading up to the events that saw him become Ares€™s thrall is a stone that hasn€™t been bled yet. However, reports suggest Sony is keen to avoid the temptation to milk the backstory any further, so a fourth prequel is God of War 4's least likely incarnation.

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