God Of War Ragnarok Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs (No Spoilers)

2. The New [LIGHT SPOILER] You Get Access To

god of war ragnarok
Sony Santa Monica

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Back to gameplay, and the only "spoiler" I'm going to mention - sans its placement in the story - is that you get access to a new weapon: The Draupnir Spear.

Worth highlighting because of just how multifaceted it feels to use, this spear can duplicate endlessly, meaning you have a infinite supply to spike into enemies and manually detonate once a certain grouping has maxed out. Kratos can skewer someone through the stomach, pin guys to walls and still have spears to charge forward and leap back into action with.

Yes, it's as glorious to wield as that was to read.

Draupnir also comes with the ability to take on elemental properties from foes, meaning a single hold of R2 will charge it with poison, fire, electricity or whatever else you're up against. Deploying your newly-found elemental buff is immensely satisfying, and key to overcoming the harder challenges in the game.

Draupnir is essentially all the best combat advancements Ragnarok makes, in a single weapon.



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