God Of War: Ranking The 10 Best Boss Battles
1. Cronos - God Of War 3
The scale of this fight and control of camera and cinematography on display feels like the developers are showing off. Cronos beats out Zeus on this list because of gameplay over story, but even taking story in to account, Kratos' killing of his grandfather is a pivotal moment, and one that manages to incapsulate the feeling of taking down a Titan for mere mortals.
Starting by peeling away one of Cronos' fingernails, the scope of this fight is immediately put in to perspective. Add to this the way Cronos swats and shakes at Kratos like a fly to try and get him off of the enormous Titan's body is an audacious display of camera movement and swift transitions from battle to battle.
Cronos finally gets hold of the Spartan and swallows him whole. The brutality God of War is perfectly displayed when Kratos slides down Cronos oesophagus, and then cuts his way out from his gut, intestines spewing out, the formidable enemy left mortally wounded.
To top it all off, the final blow dealt to Cronos is exceptional. Impaled by a gigantic nail through the jaw, Cronos is defiant and insulting as Kratos walks along his face, stopping at his forehead to drive the Blade of Olympus in to the enormous Titan's head.