God Of War Secretly Teases FOUR Potential Sequels We Want Right Now

2. Celtic Christian Mythology (Triskele)

God Of War Celtic

Like Far Cry 5 bringing its overblown, usually foreign shore-affiliated ways home to America, it looks like at some point, God of War might see Kratos going toe to toe with Celtic Christian history, its figureheads and that belief system in general. There are all sorts of Celtic gods, giants, faeries and everything in between - you can see a beautiful depiction of them in Tomm Moore's Song of the Sea - though they're seldom given the same coverage in popular media as the likes of Greek, Norse or Egyptian mythologies.

The above symbol itself is a Triskele, though it has appeared in MANY forms over human history. One of the earliest in Irish history was at Newgrange in Ireland, circa 3200 BC. More commonly thought of as a "Celtic spiral", a common tattoo, it represents in this case Sony Santa Monica teasing the idea of exploring Celtic mythology, fables and religion.

By far the riskiest move the franchise could take, being that the western world still takes any form of Christianity rather seriously, it does bring about the rather insane idea of, well, Kratos battering Jesus.

Bring that... on?

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