Gotham Knights: 8 Bat Family Heroes WB Montreal Should Add
5. The Signal

As one of the newest member of the Bat Family on this list, Duke Thomas aka The Signal joined the team during the opening stages of DC Rebirth.
Duke Thomas was actually introduced previously in a terrifying issue in the New 52's Batman Zero Year, where the Joker had rigged his parents to emulate the deaths of Thomas and Martha Wayne, sending the two insane in the process.
Following his experiences he became a member of the We Are Robin movement to help clear up the streets of Gotham. Batman takes a particular interest in Duke due to the fact that he is actually a metahuman, which is DC's fancy way of saying he has superpowers.
To help him harness those powers, Bruce takes Duke under his wing and gives him the role of The Signal, Gotham's sole protector during the day while Bruce gets his 40 winks.
With Duke being the only superpowered hero of the bunch, he'd no doubt be a popular choice to play as given his abilities to manipulate light in a way that enhances his vision.