Grand Theft Auto: 10 Coolest Easter Eggs, Secrets & References Explained

1. It Has A Dedicated Burp/Fart Button

Grand Theft Auto Gouranga

If you haven't played the original GTA in years - as, let's be honest, most of us haven't - you've probably entirely forgotten about the fact that the game has a "secret" function which allows players to release gasses out of both ends.

Though most players assumed that the game's car horn button (Square on PS1, Tab on PC) had no active functionality while on-foot, some eventually discovered that it gifted them the ability to burp and fart on command. Yup.

While the feature thankfully returned for GTA 2, the player sadly hasn't been granted the all-you-can-toot power in any other game in the series.

Needless to say, any 10-year-old who discovered this command - or more likely, read about it in a mag - also found their undisputed Game of the Generation in the process. Pure bliss.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.